August 06, 2020 4 min read

the best copolymer fishing line

What Is Copolymer Fishing Line? The Right Line for You.

You've heard the name, read some amazing claims, and maybe even have a buddy who says you should try it. But what is copolymer fishing line, and is it right for you?

If you've never tried copolymer line before, you could be just steps away from your new favorite type of fishing line. There are some incredible possibilities only copolymer can give you, and we'll walk you through exactly what you need to know. Welcome to a world of increased casting distances, lower chances of a line snap, and a lot more bang for your buck.

All in all, copolymer is more than worth a try for anyone hoping to up their line game. Here are the answers to some of the top questions that might be going through your head right now:

1. So, What is Copolymer Fishing Line?

In order to answer this question, we first have to consider: What are the different types of fishing line?

Besides copolymer, there's mono-filament (AKA 'mono'), braided or 'braid', and fluorocarbon (AKA 'floro' or 'fluoro') fishing line. There are pros and cons to all of these, but for most anglers out there, copolymer line will hit every mark you need it to.

We recommend a good copolymer line like this one to anyone interested in trying a better quality fishing line for a practical price. Copolymer line is stronger than mono line, often cheaper than braid, and has fewer knot problems than fluoro line.

Keep reading to learn more about the comparisons between copolymer and every other primary fishing line type.

2. What is the Difference Between Copolymer and Monofilament Fishing Line?

The short answer is in the name. Copolymer line is made of two different nylon polymers, while monofilament line consists of just one type of nylon.

But what does the combination of polymers bring to the table? Here are some key differences between copolymer and mono line:

Copolymer Line = More Line

A copolymer fishing line is 2-3 times thinner than a mono line of the same strength. Why should that matter to you? Because the thinner the line is (without sacrificing strength), the more line you can put on your reel.

If you're used to using monofilament fishing line, imagine having 2 or 3 times more line available when you're out on the water. With copolymer line, you could feel free to cast long distances and go for big fish, knowing that you still have enough line on the reel. Now stop imagining and go try for yourself!

The Power of Multiple Polymers

The combination of two nylon polymers gives copolymer line a strength and abrasion resistance that mono line simply can't beat. If you are looking for a fishing line that's unlikely to snap, copolymer is the way to go.

Copolymer line also does a better job at refracting light than the single nylon polymer of monofilament line. This means it's harder for the fish to see a copolymer line floating through the water. You might have excellent fishing skills, but to make the most of your line, you need a material that won't tell the fish what's coming.

Where Mono Wins

If you just want the cheapest option in fishing line and don't need the added benefits copolymer can give you, you can't go wrong with a good low-cost monofilament line like this one.

In pretty much every other aspect, though, it looks like copolymer wins out against mono.

3. What about Braided and Fluorocarbon Line?

In terms of strength, braided line goes head to head with copolymer. And like copolymer, fluorocarbon line has a low visibility. The complications of these types of fishing line, however, make it hard for them to contend with practicality of copolymer line.

The Price isn't Always Right

A high-quality braided line is an excellent choice for an angler looking to combine high strength with low memory. If you're fishing in an area with a lot of vegetation, you can use braid to cut through the gunk. It's not as stealthy as other lines might be, but it sure is hardy.

The price of braid, however, is usually higher than other types of fishing line. Make sure to keep an eye out for sales and discounts on braided line, but copolymer might be more practical if you're looking for a more cost-effective option.

It's Knot That Simple

When using a fluorocarbon line, you have to know the right knots to use. The stiffness of the fluorocarbon material means you need a knot that reduces the risk of knot breakage or slippage.

Once you choose a knot to use on fluoro line, you also have to work on your knot techniques to make sure the line doesn't burn due to friction or cut into itself.

But even after you master the perfect knot, when it comes to fluorocarbon line, technique will only get you so far. According to a knot strength test done by Field & Stream, the best knot for tying a fluoro line to a lure still "gave results that were merely O.K."

You can always manage the risks by choosing a top-rated fluorocarbon line that has been product tested for strength. But if you want a low visibility line without having to deal with the finicky nature of fluorocarbon knots, copolymer line might be just what you're looking for.

So, what is the best knot for a copolymer fishing line?

The answer is: your favorite one.

Because copolymer line isn't damaged as much by knots as fluorocarbon is, there's less of a need to learn special knots to keep it intact.

Reeling It All In

So, in the end, what is copolymer fishing line? It's a strong, low-visibility, cost-effective line that will let you cast longer distances and work with the knots you already know how to use. And chances are, it's the right line for you.

Try copolymer out for yourself, and let us know how it goes in the comments below. In the meantime, check out the rest of our fishing tips page to get the latest in tips and tricks to catch more fish!

Copolymer line works great for Jerkbait Fishing, Check out How to fish a jerkbait.

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